The Good
1. In August 2017, I posted about my New Direction; that is, my decision to leave education for a career in law. After leaving my Academic Director position, I settled for a part-time teaching assignment in Berkeley. My plan was to teach for one more year while studying law. My goal was to get a paralegal position while I study for the BAR exam. The earliest I can take the exam is 2022. In March 2018, one of my professors asked me to do paralegal contract work. He would continue to mentor me and prep me for a paralegal position at a law firm. Five months later, I was offered a full-time paralegal position at a law firm in downtown San Francisco. I didn't think I'd get the position due to my lack of experience, but the attorneys loved the way I presented myself. At my review, the attorneys praised my performance and skills. I only needed to improve my self confidence. After having worked in an abusive work environment, my self-esteem plummeted. I'm getting better now, but I know this is something I need to improve. A goal for 2019.
2. My professor.continues to mentor me, and I still do some paralegal work for him on the side. He had a heart-to-heart discussion praising my abilities. He truly believes I have the skills to be a great lawyer. When he offered to sign off as my sponsor for the BAR exam, I accepted.
3. I still continue to have the support of my family and friends. Even after my past was outed to my students (both current at the time and those past), they still stood by my side and denounced what Zorigt Lkhagvasuren had done.
4. Alameda PD finally took the case. I gave a formal interview, I officially identified Zorigt. They have yet to contact him as he is elusive. At least the case has not closed nor will it ever. There is no longer a statue of limitations on rape.
5. Learning another language. I'm on to my fifth language. Korean. I've already learned the Hangul alphabet and know a few phrases (and lots of bad words). Since I've been watching so many Korean films and K-drama, my understanding has improved quite a bit. I've now enrolled in Korean language classes at Korean Center, Inc so that I can improve my reading comprehension and speaking skills. My goal is to attend the Seoul Lindy Hop Swing Dance Festival in 2020.
The Bad
1. Mongolian men are the absolute worst. I had brief affairs with two of them in 2018; one in February and the other in April. Both affairs ended the same way. Both made promises. Both professed their feelings for me. After having sex, they stopped talking to me. I just can't understand men like that. If all they wanted was sex, then be up front about it. Don't play games. I've since moved on. I believe in Karma, and one day their actions will come back to haunt them.
2. "It looks like you have a tumor." In October, I went in for my gynecological examination. When the doctor said she found a tumor the size of a plum inside my uterus, I was...aloof. I wasn't surprised. Two of my aunts and one cousin had tumors there. My aunts had benign tumors; one of them never had children and the other had her one and only child in her 40s. My cousin had cancer (she eventually beat it). At least now I know why I've had problems with my periods. There's finally a reason for it. The doctor did a biopsy and tested it. It was benign. Thank God. However, if I wanted to have children, I would need to remove it. I had the surgery December 28th and it went smoothly. I'm healing quite well, and I hope my health will continue to improve.
The Ugly
ZORIGT LKHAGVASUREN - In the summer of 2017, he begged me not to report him for rape. He apologized for what he had done to me and promised "to fix our relationship." All he asked was that I promise not to report him. But I still cried because I didn't believe him. He would constantly mistreat me. Then he'd apologize again, make promises to fix things between us and asked me to be patient and not report him. Then all of a sudden, he left to Mongolia and he wasn't coming back. He texted me from his uncle's funeral and told me he was sorry and to live my life. Yet, something inside me kept telling me that he was lying. I reported him anyway knowing that it may be too late. Then in March 2018, I ran into him at a Mongolian restaurant. He had the nerve to ask me what I was doing there. I just said, "you lied." Instead of saying he was sorry, he only responded, "Lied about what?" before he walked away. He later used my past against me and spread it among my students. If his attempt was to shame me and get people to abandon me, it backfired. Everyone who knew us learned about what he had done to me, and they hated him for it.
I deduced that he never left the States. I found pictures of him at his job that were date stamped the fall of 2017. He lied and didn't have the balls to own up to his mistakes. Adding insult to injury, he attacked me. I know he's still out there, and I have a feeling I'll probably bump into him again (I've drafted a post about this and will publish soon). I pray that the police catches up with him so that he can finally be brought to justice.
So my goals for 2019? Continue my study for the BAR exam. Improve my overall health and well-being. Continue dancing. Continue my Korean language studies. Pray that Zorigt finally pays for his sins.
Tags: Лхагвасүрэн Зоригт, Зоригоо, Zorigt Lkhagvasuren, Zorigoo, 저릭트