Monday, August 28, 2017

New Direction

I am done with education. I had lost my passion for teaching and mentoring other teachers. I had been in education for more than 16 years, but following a year working for a tyrant, I could no longer take the abuse. I hated going to work. Whenever the director showed up, my stress level skyrocketed. The breaking point was watching her scream at one of my teachers; she literally screamed and cursed at him. I froze perhaps out of shock, but this was something I had witnessed on several occasions with other teachers as well as the students. One teacher was driven to suicide, and she often joked about his death. The woman had zero regard, zero respect and zero value for anyone. 

I know she wanted to get rid of me long before she learned of my past. It was just a convenient excuse to get rid of me thinking she wouldn't have to pay unemployment. She was wrong. My past had nothing to do with my job performance. It was an illegal termination. I know I have enough evidence and witnesses to file a lawsuit against her, but I've decided against it. Instead, I'm reporting her business practices. I feel it is best to stop her unethical, if not immoral, behavior rather than sue for money. It's not worth the additional headache.

I am still quite young and obviously need to find something else to do. Well...prior to my leaving my job, I had already decided that I wanted to study law and made preparations for it. I just never told anyone about my plans. And that's exactly what I'm doing. When I was a kid, and all the way through high school, I wanted to be a lawyer. Now, after a long detour on another path, I'm finally on the right track to do what I always said I'd do...become a lawyer. I've already begun networking with other lawyers who will mentor and guide me; one of them had planted the seed stating that I definitely have the skills to be a great lawyer. 

It's quite a leap from education to law, but I know I will do well. I've already completed a quarter, and I have a GPA of 3.89. I got an A- in one class; not happy about that since it brought down my GPA, but everyone else says it's impressive. It is quite exciting to take this new path. I can always go back to teaching, but when that time comes, it would be to teach law classes.

UPDATE: My professor was so impressed with my work in his class, he offered me a position at his law practice as a legal assistant. I accepted as I feel it would be a good foundation to gain knowledge and experience.

My GPA is now a 3.95