Sunday, May 16, 2021

Four years today...May 16

Update: To limit the amount of posts on this subject, I'm deleting the others and combining with this one. It'll be updated each year.

May 16, 2021 - Four years ago today
Zorigt, I will never forget the things you have done. From taking advantage of me, to the harassment, to use my past against me to keep quiet. You're a true scumbag. And while you will never face criminal justice, I take satisfaction in knowing that if you ever try to change or adjust status in the U.S., there is a paper trail, and there is this website to show that not only have you committed a crime for which you did not face justice, you worked in this country illegally. That is all.

May 16, 2020 - Three years ago today
Two nights ago, I had a rather intense dream that defied all reason. 

I was working late in my office and nearing the time to go home. I had an uneasy feeling when I looked out my window and saw Zorigt standing from a distance just watching me. He didn't try to hide. It was as if he wanted me to know that he was lurking. I tried to wait him out, but he just stood there watching. As I finally stepped out to get to my car, he was slowly walking toward me. His comrades were coming out of hiding and holding what appeared to be weapons. It was as if they were triangulating. No word was spoken. I could only feel Zorigt's hard, cold stare. As I sat in my car, I wondered if I was going to escape what I perceived to be a threat. 

Then I woke up with my heart racing. Generally, such intense dreams are a warning of things to come or are a metaphor for something else. Either way, I should be alert and expect some kind of event or news. When I looked at my calendar, I realized it was nearing the three year anniversary of when Zorigt sexually assaulted me. And he got away with it. After recounting the assault to authorities and formally identifying him in a photo line-up, nothing ever came of it.

I've accepted that he'll never be brought to justice. The best I can hope for is for others to know what he did. For them to see through his kind exterior. He is rotten to the core. Not only had he assaulted me, he stalked me, and terrorized me, even recruiting his friends to harass me (or perhaps it was always him). 

Though I have moved on, this will always remain with me because I can never trust any one. I can never be open with anyone until the can earn my trust. Most don't and I walk away. That's what Zorigt has done to me. Not just the rape, but the mistrust/distrust of others. 

Лхагвасүрэн Зоригт, Зоригоо, Zorigt Lkhagvasuren, Zorigoo, 저릭트

May 16, 2019 - Two years ago today
Is this day of any significance to you, Zorigt? Because it is for me. But it goes beyond what you did to me. It's also how the first police officer treated me when I first reported it; as if it was my fault that you took advantage of me. It's also how the second officer took my case and accepted the evidence against you; only to have the case shelved because they can't find you.

It angers me that you get to walk away from responsibility for your actions. Not only just walking away but to also continuously lie and then punish me for it simply because you were caught in a lie. How dare you attempt to use my past against me just so you can excuse your actions.

All I can do is hope that it somehow catches up with you. I am a strong believer in Karma, and she will eventually come around beating down your door. I may never know when that day will come, but you will know why she came.

Лхагвасүрэн Зоригт, Зоригоо, Zorigt Lkhagvasuren, Zorigoo, 저릭트

May 16, 2018 - One year ago today

This was my favorite dress. A 1950s, cotton, gingham day-dress. It was my go-to dress whenever I went swing dancing. It was always paired with my red Keds; my favorite dancing shoes. The last time I wore it was one year ago today, May 16, 2017. It was the day I met with Zorigt to watch a basketball game. 

It was the evening when I told him my feelings for him. I liked him. He said he liked me, too. We talked about seeing each other more. After the game, he took me to a bar. Later, we were at a secluded spot near the bay. He asked if I wanted to have sex. I told him I would, but not at that moment. I was on my period. I asked him to wait. We should wait at least one more month before he transferred to Berkeley. Zorigt couldn't take no for answer. He kept asking if I was sure that I didn't want to. I kept saying, "let's wait." He walked out of my truck to urinate. When he came back in, he looked at me before pouncing on top of me.

I bled on my dress. I should've just kept it as evidence against him. Instead, I tried scrubbing off the blood. It was my favorite dress. A dress that I haven't worn since. It hangs in the back of my closet, where I have little chance of seeing it.

Now that a year has past, the initial assault is not what vexes me. It's Zorigt's lies and deceit as a result from that assault that has affected me most. In the last 365 days, I have suffered immensely both emotionally and psychologically. 

I believed Zorigt when he said that he cared about me, but he said it only to keep me from reporting him to police. I believed him when he said that he was moving back to Mongolia. When I realized that I'd been had, he violated my body and my trust, I reported the incident to police. I went with text messages and a voice recording where he admitted his actions. I tried to report him before he could get on a plane back to Mongolia, but I thought I was too late.

Six months later, by chance, I ran into Zorigt at a local restaurant. He lied. He never left Alameda. He was caught. Rather than be a man and admit he lied, he went on the attack. That attack brought me right back to 2009. I was going through the same emotional turmoil on that day as I did in 2009.

It is his lies and deceit that has made me very wary of men and their intentions. I am currently dating a man from Mongolia (I'll refer to him as M). I don't want to unfairly judge M based on my experience with Zorigt, but it's there in my head. After spending an evening with M just hanging out and talking, I dropped him off outside his home. Before he departed, he placed his hand around my head and motioned to kiss me. It was a trigger. I turned my face and said, "No. Not here." He didn't understand why. (M does not know about Zorigt. I don't want to tell him.) I couldn't even look at M because I was afraid I'd see Zorigt. M asked me to look at him. When our eyes locked, he kissed me on my forehead. It was a tender moment. I was trying to remind myself that he is not Zorigt. This is another person. I should give him a chance.

I have since been sleeping with M. It is something we both want. I have definitely consented, but there is still a fear. I keep thinking that he will throw me away just like Zorigt. I wonder if M, at any point, is lying to me? THIS is how Zorigt's lies and deceit have affected me.

Zorigt is very comfortable with lying, so much that he doesn't realize the damage his lies and deceit can cause. It is beyond the initial rape from one year ago today. What Zorigt has taken away from me is my trust in people. And it is all because he lied and deceived me.

Tags: Лхагвасүрэн Зоригт, Зоригоо, Zorigt Lkhagvasuren, Zorigoo